Answered By: Margaret Dunlap
Last Updated: Jun 09, 2023     Views: 1939

The Richland Library Friends and Foundation accepts donations of gently used books, CDs or DVDs for our seasonal book sales. Funds from these sales go on to support library programs and learning initiatives.

Donations will be accepted during specific times at the Operations Center, located at 130 Lancewood Drive near the Dutch Square Mall. Click here to view the schedule for donations. We don't accept donations when significant rain is in the forecast, call 803.798.3341 before heading over if you have questions.

If you have local yearbooks, local cookbooks, family histories, or rare books about South Carolina you may bring those to the Walker Local and Family History Center located on the First Level of the Main library.

Donations are tax-deductible. You may want to count your hardbacks and paperbacks for your records as we do not provide an assessment of value.  Also, make sure that your books are in boxes or bags that will not need to be returned to you, as staff will not be able to repack your donations into other boxes or containers.  

Thank you for supporting the Richland Library Friends and Foundation!