If you are a middle or high school student attending public school in Richland One or Richland Two, then you have an active Richland Library card based on your school ID. Sign in tips are below.
Richland One students sign in to your Richland Library account with your 5 or 12 digit School ID. Your PIN is your birthdate entered as MMDD.
Card Number 780012345678 / PIN 0704 (July 4th birthday!)
Card Number 12345 / PIN 0704
Richland Two students with a 12 digit School ID should use the full 12 digit number to log in. Students with a 5 digit School ID should add "000" to the beginning and use that 8 digit number to log in (example: 00012345). Your PIN is your birthdate entered as MMDD.
Card Number 790012345678 / PIN 1225 (Dec. 25 birthday!)
Card Number 00012345 / PIN 1225
Still having problems? You can retrieve your library card number and reset your PIN using the Forgot your card number and Forgot your PIN links on the Log In/Sign Up box on our website, or use the Ask Us form to get help from a librarian.
These cards will allow you to check out books and other materials from our libraries and access eBooks, eAudiobooks, music, movies and research tools on our website.
Let us know if you have questions about using your library card!
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